Category: Teachers

  • Why List Your School on Yellow Slate?

    Why List Your School on Yellow Slate?

    What is Yellow Slate?

    Yellow Slate is a school search engine that has been built for the benefit of parents to help them tackle the biggest confusion ever: Which school?  If you are a school, you can get yourself registered to get visibility to a large number of parents.. It gives you an opportunity to increase awareness about your school and get more leads.  It will also help parents understand more about the school and various facilities that make you different from any other school.

    How to add your school to Yellow Slate?

    Step 1: Go to the link –

    Step 2: Choose your city from the list of cities pop-up.

    yellowslate add schools

    Step 3: The home page opens upon city selection. Click on the “Add School” button (highlighted in yellow colour) on the top right-hand side. 


    Step 4: “Sign Up” pop-up opens.  Continue to sign up/Sign in with Google. 


    Step 5: Once signed in, the home page opens again. Click on the “Add School” button on the top right-hand side corner once again. 

    Step 6: Search for your school name and in case it is not already published, click on the “I can’t find my school. Let me add.” hyperlink.  

    Step 7: Fill out all the school information in detail. The information has been divided into five tabs namely –

    • General
    • About
    • Brand
    • Contact Info
    • Verification

    Step 8: You will receive an approval email within 30 minutes of adding the details. Kindly note for verification, we need confirmation from an email id or phone number that is on google my business page or the website.

    Step 9:  Go back to the main website at and you can see your school listing. The school addition is now complete. You can visit the dashboard through the “Yellow Slate Admin Portal”. The link to this admin portal can be found in the approval mail. 

    The dashboard shows various parameters like Leads, Reviews, etc. The school page profile can also be handled here. 

    What to do if my school is already listed on the Yellow slate?

    You might find the “Claim the school” banner beside your school listing. This happens because your school’s page has already been created on Yellow Slate either by the Yellow Slate Team or by some individual. The existence of the page also means that the page is being visited by hundreds of parents every day. It is a good idea to claim the school as claiming it confirms the ownership of the page. 

    How to claim your school? Once the school appears in the search box, Tap/click on it. You will now see a “Claim this School” link beside the listing. Click on this “Claim this School” link.

    Why should you list your school on Yellow Slate?

    • The Yellow Slate website is visited by hundreds of parents and students every day to seek information about the school, hence by creating your profile on Yellow Slate you can reach out to this wide base without spending anything thus building brand awareness.
    • Access to leads/ inquiries on your school. We will send you the details of all the inquiries made on your school listing. We will directly send these leads to you and you can access the same on the dashboard. You can then have transparent communication with parents and students through the dashboard and answer their queries and concerns.
    • Once your account is verified, we will give you access to the yellow slate dashboard where you can monitor and engage with the leads available and provide you the analytics to improve the visibility.
    • Lastly, creating a profile does not cost you anything, it is absolutely free of cost.

    So go ahead, create your profile on Yellow Slate and get access to hundreds of leads without spending anything. The platform helps you in getting visibility amongst the target audiences. For example, if you have a school in Bangalore, a student seeking admission in Bangalore will come to the yellow slate website and put a filter and your school name comes on the 1st page, the student goes through the information and ends up taking admission in the school.

  • Our Teachers Make Multiple Sacrifices Each Day. Have We Ever Bothered About Them?

    Our Teachers Make Multiple Sacrifices Each Day. Have We Ever Bothered About Them?

    We were in 7th grade. It was Science period and we were glued to our seats, listening carefully as our usually-strict teacher taught us about the amoeba. And, then there was a pause as she struggled to find words to continue. When I looked up at her, I realized she had tears in her eyes.

    Shocked and awkward, all of us just stared until one of us had the courage to ask, “Ma’am, what happened?!” Fighting back her tears, she replied, “My daughter has been very unwell for a few days and I cannot be with her because I have to finish the syllabus this week. Otherwise, you won’t have time to revise. Anyway. .” and, she turned to the blackboard to continue teaching.

    If we think back, we will realize there are multiple such incidents that we ignored and took for granted. That’s maybe because we think teachers are just doing their jobs or they are struggling hard because they have to. It is actually not the case at all.

    Most teachers are in it because they love the art of teaching. It takes a lot of passion, courage, and determination to do what teachers do. By the end of this article, we are positive you will agree (if you don’t already).

    We are writing this to help everyone start the New Year with gratitude and appreciation for the people who have played a pivotal role in shaping our lives – our teachers. We are going to look at some of the most common and easily ignored sacrifices they make for their students.

    Standing all day

    Our legs give out within a few minutes of standing. Imagine having to stand for an hour at a stretch to teach. If they have back-to-back classes, teachers can’t sit even between periods! They have to rush to the next class the moment the bell rings. That leaves them no time to catch a breath or take a seat.

    It gets worse during examinations when they are specifically given instructions not to sit down at any point in time. That’s 3 hours of standing at a stretch. What about bathroom breaks? Can’t go until they find someone who can replace them for a few minutes!

    Eating alone at their desks in the classroom

    While students share their food, have hearty conversations, and play with their friends, teachers have to eat alone at their desks, monitoring all kids during lunch breaks. This means they are on-duty even during break time.

    Calming all students before exams even though they are stressed!

    You think teachers don’t get stressed during board exams? Of course, they do. And, while they are trying to control their nerves, they receive multiple phone calls from their students. Once again, keeping their emotions and fears aside, they work towards helping them calm down. How many times have you done this?

    Staying on guard during picnics

    A picnic is no picnic if you are a teacher! Right from the time it starts to the time every child is back home safe, teachers have to be alert. Imagine being responsible for the safety of 40 odd highly enthusiastic children!

    When we were kids, we thought of them as ball busters who restricted us all the time. Only afterwards did we realize that we owe our safety and happy memories to them!

    Never being able to use the phone

    We are sure you will appreciate this now. We can’t think of going a few minutes without our phones and our teachers have to forgo their phones for hours! Almost all schools have a no-cell phone policy. Imagine that.

    Feeling nostalgic? Overwhelmed? Pick up the phone and thank your teachers! We know you are in touch with at least a few through social media.

    They say it is a thankless job but our teachers are proud of what they do and the role they play in shaping young minds. They are nothing short of angels, for sure.